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22 August 2023

Automated spray painting machine

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On 26th July, we had an incredibly exciting delivery, all the way from Italy! 

Paint Machine 1

Paint Machine 4

With our new Hardwood shutters, once manufactured they need to be painted to fully seal them from any moisture getting into the wood. If not, overtime it is highly likely they will start to crack and split. Nobody wants that!

With our fauxwood shutters, we do offer the painted Eleanor range, where for the past 5 years we’ve been spraying them by hand.

The hand spraying process does limit us to number of panels we can complete per week and with the expected demand for our British Made Hardwood shutters, we knew we had to do something to speed up the process.

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This is where our new machine comes in! Manufactured in Italy by a specialist company called Cefla, the whole spraying line is a massive 28 feet long. It’s an impressive piece of machinery. It has 4 automated spray guns, an automated conveyor belt to carry the panels through and a drying chamber to ensure a quicker drying process.

Paint Machine 8

The machine will not only give us a quicker way of spraying the shutters but it’ll also ensure an incredibly consistent, even finish.

The machine is currently being installed and once commissioned, our staff will receive specialist training ready to start painting all our future painted orders!

Keep an eye out on our Facebook to see any videos of the machine in action.

Download our latest brochure and see how shutters could add another dimension to your home.